Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kindergarten Begins

It can’t bode well for the future of M’s academic career that her first homework assignment came back marked, “Check directions and redo.”

Homework, revised.
You see, rather than circling the big shapes with a blue crayon as the instructions clearly state, she circled them with a pencil. And there go her chances for making valedictorian.

Also, I had no idea they give out homework in kindergarten now. For the record, both my wife and I individually deny one of us incorrectly told M how to do the worksheet. But it’s not like the kid can read, so somebody had to tell her what to do.

This was M’s first week of full days at kindergarten. The door to the building is too heavy for her to open by herself. Her Hello Kitty backpack is as big as she is. At lunch, she gets to have chocolate milk. She’s crazy about going to school.

I’m so excited. Kid, sometimes I wish you’d never grow up, but apparently you have to, so c'mon — let’s learn some stuff.

Scratch that — let’s learn everything.

How is everybody else adjusting to the new school year?


  1. I'm thrilled that school is back in's so much quieter at home now.

    I do miss when the kids were in kindergarten and I could actually help them with their homework, though.

  2. As a father who also sent his second daughter off to kindergarten this past week, it struck me as odd that I felt the first one was ready to go but #2 seemed SO YOUNG, TOO YOUNG. With her mispronunciations and slight lisp, how was this little girl going to make it in the big bad world lorded over by 5th graders who see PG movies, know curse words, and can have as solid conversation about sex as most adults?
    I need a drink.
    As she navigates her way in school, I realize we'll all be going to school for the next 13 years. I fear I have the most to learn.
